First, thank you for saying that my blog post resonated with you. When I write about feminist issues my biggest concern (and goal) is for it to bridge the gap between men and women and our understanding of each other.

Second, the fact that you feel that even with good intentions, you have to be so careful with language when discussing feminist issues frustrates me and saddens me. I know exactly what you mean, I’ve seen it. I’ve seen men get shut down just for trying to participate in a discussion. I’ve seen men get scolded for not saying something “exactly right” when discussing these things. It frustrates me and infuriates me. I have never subscribed to the “rules” or insisted on exact terminology. I think it’s silly to do so and does not further valuable conversation. I get angry when men who want to engage and be a part of feminism feel like they should stay far away lest they get shut down over wording. The last thing I want is for someone to feel like they have to walk on eggshells just to participate in the discussion. I think that what you write about here is an important part of the conversation that anyone who is concerned with equality and feminism needs to listen to. Thank you for this. I will be sharing.