Juliet’s campaign against United and breastfeeding trolls

You may have read my post about 10 days ago titled “Breastfeeding trolls” about Juliet Thompson who was harassed on a United flight when she was breastfeeding her baby. If you haven’t, here it is:


Juliet since emailed me with an update after she read my post which she said I could reproduce here:

Dear Paul,

I wanted to write and personally thank you for publishing my content on United and breastfeeding. I sincerely appreciate it.

So this is how it’s going.

The other day I launched a hashtag campaign #MonsUnitedAgainstUnited this is a rallying call for all pro breastfeeding advocates around the world. Focusing on more then just my experience and raising awareness that a change is what needs to take place in our society.

The next day united wrote me a letter of apology for what had happened. I will be writing a response in the days to come and I will make this available to you.

Where before I was set on taking legal action, now I’m hoping to settle out of court. My request is a complete policy change from the loose regulations that are now to a stricter pro breastfeeding and child friendly airline, that offers assistance to families and not a $14 gift vouchers and a “see ya later”, that doesn’t kick a mom and her toddler off a plane etc. etc. My view is that united needs a serious boob job in this department. They’re becoming notorious for mom shaming and it’s time to shape up. Together we can make it happen.

I need your continued help with this. As women and men, as mothers and fathers, as people, this is our challenge together.

Thank you for your continued support of our protest. It means so much to me.


Thankfully, women breastfeeding in public doesn’t seem to be much of an issue in the parts of Israel I tend to be in although, like most of the world, I imagine there are communities where women are victimised if they feed their babies in public.

I don’t think this is the last time we will see a story about a mother being victimised for feeding her baby in a public space. At the same time, I hope that we will continue to see more and more support from those mothers’ communities that drowns out the breastfeeding trolls.

Photo credit: Breastfeeding by Nicolas Michaud, licensed CC BY NC ND 2.0


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