I sometimes find it to be a little slow to load on mobile, but not too slow, and I’m still using an iPhone4 and an iPad2

With regards to exporting data. Open Evernote on your Mac, select one note and then press CMD+A it will select all of your notes. Then click on “File” => “Export Notes” and you should have all of your notes 🙂

I use Evernote a lot too and when I say a lot I mean it’s always open, I don’t do images though, actually I expressly avoid all images. I know evernote says we can use the app to “remember everything”, but I don’t “understand” how to use it for more than Slightly Text, as it doesn’t feel natural.

I save all images/files/PDFs into DropBox.

I do like plain text notes.

If you’re interested in trying something a little different, consider getting ‘Diet Coda’ for iPad and; FTP into a remote server and store all of your notes in plain text or in markup.


If Apple’s built in notes, had a better look and feel and if you could share notebooks, I might consider moving to the native app as it keeps notes in sync everywhere, but for now, I pretty much still dig Evernote.