Send me your skilled – connecting people

I enjoy connecting people who may be able to do even more exciting/lucrative stuff together or because they connected, shared ideas and went off and cultivated them. One of the things I tend to wind up doing most of the time when I speak to people is refer them to other skilled people they need to do stuff.  It isn’t what I do for a living or even something I charge for.

I think I have a decent network of really great and skilled people who I have met and enjoy dealing with and I’d like to expand that network because the day will come when I will meet someone who needs someone I know and I want to be able to connect them.

So … getting to the point, I would like to connect with more interesting and skilled people.  If you know me and you want to be on my list of people I could refer other people to, connect to me on and I’ll help where I can.

This only really works if you have a complete profile and even then it works really well if you are connected to someone I know and trust.  It is all about word of mouth and all that so while it is great to meet new people this way, if we haven’t connected before or if we don’t share trusted contacts, you may want to drop me a line and say hi, tell me about yourself.

On the other hand, if this all sounds very nutty to you, that’s ok.  I am curious to see if this works out myself.  If it does then that is great because you could be the next person I connect with someone else I know (no promises to connect you with anyone or send you any work, just saying I’ll keep you in mind when I need someone with your skills).

Updated on 2016-03-06 to change the contact method to my contact form


  1. Adrian Kirsten avatar

    Hey there,

    My own site, is built on wordpress, while still having a majorly “bloggy” look and feel about it, still has a lot of things in it that one more associate with a more traditional CMS.

    As for doing sites purely as a static site or completely non-bloggy look and feel, is easy enough. You need to make use of a plugin, but still simple enough. Filosofo Homepage is plugin I am using on a client site. Works brilliantly. As well as the page organiser plugin.

    WordPress rocks. It really does.

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