Twitter Updates for 2007-10-16

  • justinhartman I don’t have an Afrigator t-shirt … #
  • @henre This is a case of t-shirt bias, discrimination and elitism #
  • @eved I think so, The People’s Club Against Afrigator T-Shirt Elitism #
  • @henre and @eved We should have a toyi toyi and march to Justin Hartman’s desk and hand over a memorandum #
  • @justinhartman Ah, setting the bar, widening the divide between the haves and have-nots … so capitalist! Viva! Viva! #
  • @henre You are playing into their bourgeois hands, don’t give up, we can strike for days! #
  • Just can’t find decent striking workers these days … #
  • @henre You are a man of principle for sure! #
  • @henre Nah, we’ve lost momentum with your capitulation … I’ll go see if Vincent will give me an Amatomu t-shirt instead … #
  • @justinhartman Doesn’t look like we are going to find out who was behind Bolton Deventer after all #
  • Anyone going to the Corporate IT Security seminar in Rosebank today? #
  • @justinhartman I am cancelling the strike, boycott and mass action, let’s be friends! #

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  1. Jonathan Bailey avatar

    A very interesting post. I haven’t dealt much with South Africa IP law, it just hasn’t come up much in my own incidents, but I will be following this series closely. So far, it seems to closely enough follow U.S. law.

    However, in the long run, U.S. law will likely dominate just because most hosts are U.S. based. However, as hosts in the E.U. and elsewhere begin to gain traction, so will other versions of the law.

    It will be interesting to see how that shakes out.

    Thank you for this very interesting post!

  2. Jonathan Bailey avatar

    A very interesting post. I haven’t dealt much with South Africa IP law, it just hasn’t come up much in my own incidents, but I will be following this series closely. So far, it seems to closely enough follow U.S. law.

    However, in the long run, U.S. law will likely dominate just because most hosts are U.S. based. However, as hosts in the E.U. and elsewhere begin to gain traction, so will other versions of the law.

    It will be interesting to see how that shakes out.

    Thank you for this very interesting post!

  3. Paul Jacobson avatar

    Hi Jonathan

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting on this post. Let me know what you think about the remaining posts in the series.

    You are correct in that there are parallels between US law and our law and this probably has a lot to do with international norms established by various conventions as well as the fact that the large copyright owners are multinationals that seek to protect their interests worldwide. Very conducive to uniformity.

  4. Paul Jacobson avatar

    Hi Jonathan

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting on this post. Let me know what you think about the remaining posts in the series.

    You are correct in that there are parallels between US law and our law and this probably has a lot to do with international norms established by various conventions as well as the fact that the large copyright owners are multinationals that seek to protect their interests worldwide. Very conducive to uniformity.

What do you think?

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