iPodcast competition update 2 – suggested changes to rules

iPodcast competition update 2 – suggested changes to rules

As I mentioned yesterday, I was invited to submit a set of proposed changes to the rules for the iPodcast competition to Apple SA. I have emailed a proposed set of changes which I prepared in consultation with Heather Ford of iCommons and Andrew Rens of Creative Commons. You can view the pdf version here. I have also posted images of the pages below.

As far as the formatting is concerned, the portions in bubbles on the right were are proposed deletions and the underlined sections in the text are proposed insertions. As you can see, we proposed that a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 3.0 license be applied to entries that win prizes with a grant of a non-exclusive commercial right to the sponsors to use the materials for promotional purposes. This means that copyright remains vested in the creators of the content who simply give the Sponsors permission to use it.

Creative Commons licenses are designed to enable content creators license certain uses of their content without having to give it all away. There are a number of options available and I think this is a good opportunity to promote the use of these licenses.

Pages 1 and 2:


p align=”left”>edited-ipodcast-rules_Page_1edited-ipodcast-rules_Page_2

Pages 3 and 4:


Page 5:


I will post updates when I hear from Apple SA.

Update: I received a response from Apple SA to my email immediately after I published this post to say that they agree to all the proposed changes and the edited rules will be in place in about 30 minutes at http://getpodcasting.co.za/rules.htm. When I spoke to Steven yesterday he told me that Apple is committed to promoting podcasting in SA and is excited about working with local podcasters. I think their swift response to concerns about their rules demonstrates this. I am far more comfortable with the competition now and I encourage local podcasters to take another look at the competition and enter their podcasts.

Update 2: I have been checking back from time to time and it looks like the rules have been removed altogether and there are no links on the front page for the rules. I guess there are no rules? Unlikely but just bear this in mind when you enter …

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