Sorry, you can’t use your phone in a Telkom shop!

Sound a little outrageous?  It is.  It is also true.  In a moment reminiscent of my Post Office misadventure recently, I was told by a security guard in a Telkom shop that I am not permitted to use my mobile phone inside a Telkom shop.  I challenged the guard after I finished my call and asked why I couldn’t use my mobile phone.  I was expecting something like security concerns or suchlike and instead I was told that there is a policy that forbids the use of a mobile phone in a Telkom shop.  When I asked what the basis for the policy is, he simply informed me that he couldn’t tell me but that there is this policy.  It was at this point that I lost interest in my planned purchase and the queue and walked out the shop.

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4 responses to “Sorry, you can’t use your phone in a Telkom shop!

  1. Martin avatar


    Obviously the guard wouldn’t have the faintest clue what the reasoning for this is (or would care to ever find out in the first place), but sheesh… Good to know – I think I’ve only been in a Telkom shop once before, and a while ago there was a cash-heist shootout in the one two floors below us, so I won’t be visiting anytime soon!

  2. Martin avatar


    Obviously the guard wouldn’t have the faintest clue what the reasoning for this is (or would care to ever find out in the first place), but sheesh… Good to know – I think I’ve only been in a Telkom shop once before, and a while ago there was a cash-heist shootout in the one two floors below us, so I won’t be visiting anytime soon!

  3. Martin avatar


    Obviously the guard wouldn’t have the faintest clue what the reasoning for this is (or would care to ever find out in the first place), but sheesh… Good to know – I think I’ve only been in a Telkom shop once before, and a while ago there was a cash-heist shootout in the one two floors below us, so I won’t be visiting anytime soon!

  4. Martin avatar


    Obviously the guard wouldn't have the faintest clue what the reasoning for this is (or would care to ever find out in the first place), but sheesh… Good to know – I think I've only been in a Telkom shop once before, and a while ago there was a cash-heist shootout in the one two floors below us, so I won't be visiting anytime soon!

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